Questo sito web utilizza solo cookie tecnici di navigazione o sessione, necessari alla fruizione del sito stesso.

This website uses only technical navigation or session cookies, necessary for the use of the site itself



The Data Controller is CMA ROBOTICS S.P.A., is CMA Robotics SpA, with VAT Reg. No. 01845990306, and registered office at Viale del Lavoro No. 41, Pavia di Udine (hereinafter called “CMA Robotics or “Data Controller").

For exercise of the rights given to you by EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR” or “Regulation”), or for asking for clarifications about processing of your personal data, you can call the Data Controller at this phone number: Phone (0432)
640-172; email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

As a user of the site, the Data Controller is hereby providing you with the following information about the cookies used.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files the sites you visit send to your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.), where they are stored and then sent back to the same sites the next time you visit them.
While browsing a site, you can also receive cookies of different sites or web servers (so-called “third-party” cookies) on your terminal. This happens because on the web page visited there are certain elements such as images, maps, sounds, social network buttons such as “Like” of Facebook, etc., links to Web pages of other domains that reside on different servers than the one the requested page is on. In other words, those cookies are set by a different website than the one you are
currently browsing.
Cookies used for technical purposes are defined as those used only to "transmit a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information service explicitly requested by the ubscriber or user”.
On the other hand, profiling cookies are used for creating profiles related to you and sending you advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by you while browsing the Internet.


Our site uses cookies for technical purposes, with respect to which the consent of the data subject is not required.

Disabling cookies

You may browse our site without using cookies, although in this case it may not be
possible for you to make full use of all the functionalities and services offered. Most
browsers accept cookies automatically. You can prevent cookies from being installed
automatically by selecting the option “do not accept cookies” from those proposed.
To obtain more information on how to do this, you should read the instructions given
in your browser. You may obtain these instructions by clicking on the links below.

To obtain information about the cookies saved on your terminal and to disable them individually, we suggest that you visit the following page:
It is possible to delete any cookie already saved on your hard drive at any time.
Personal data are not transferred outside the European Economic Area.


The Data Controller is informing you that as the data subject you have the right to ask for:

  • access to your personal data and information (Art. 15 of the GDPR);
  • rectification or deletion of the same (Articles 16 and 17 of the GDPR);
  • limitation of processing of your personal data (Art. 18 of the GDPR).

Finally, you can:

  • object to processing of your personal data under the conditions and in the terms set out in Art. 21 of the GDPR;
  • exercise the right of data portability (Art. 20 GDPR).

As regards processing based on your consent - pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a), and Article 9, paragraph 2, letter a) of the GDPR, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time; however, processing carried out based on consent given prior to withdrawal of consent is considered lawful.
Finally, if you believe that your data have been processed in violation of the GDPR you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the Personal Data Protection Authority or any other concerned authority, pursuant to Article 77 et seq. of the GDPR.

